Patients' and physicians' perspectives of shared decision making for psoriasis systemic treatment: associations with sources of information and health literacy
Disease burden and patient needs in women of childbearing age with psoriasis: retrospective analysis from the German PsoBest registries Psoriasis
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Factors Associated with Stigma of Dermatologic Disease Psychodermatology and quality of life
Wie wichtig ist subjektives Wohlbefinden für Menschen mit Psoriasis? Eine qualitative Interviewstudie
On the potential of social media data in health services research – using the example of a Psoriasis patient forum
Correlates of stigma among people with chronic visible skin disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Der Einfluss von Psoriasis auf Therapieziele von Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter
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