Shared decision making for psoriasis systemic treatment from the patients' and the physicians' perspectives: Associations with sources of health information and health literacy
Exploring the burden of xerosis cutis and the impact of dermatological skin care from patient's perspective
Randomisierte, kontrollierte Interventionsstudie zur Entstigmatisierung von Menschen mit Hauterkrankungen: Erste Ergebnisse in gesundheitsnahen Berufen
Effectiveness of a Structured Short Intervention Against Stigmatizing Attitudes Towards People with Skin Diseases in Body Care Professions
Exploring the burden of xerosis cutis and the impact of dermatological skin care from patient's perspective
Identifying Predictors and Correlates of Skin Disease Self-Stigma for Online RCT Intervention: A systematic review
Associations between disease burden and mental health outcomes in male and female patients with anogenital psoriasis: the mediating role of social avoidance and cognitive distraction coping
Functional, social and sexual impairments in psoriasis: a comparative study between patients with and without anogenital lesions
A Comparative Analysis of the Predictors, Extent and Impacts of Self-stigma in Patients with Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis
Developing an online intervention to reduce self-stigmatization in people with visible chronic skin diseases: a study protocol (PP15)
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