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Assessing HRQoL in chronic wounds across countries: The cross-cultural validity of the revised Wound-QoL questionnaire
Stigmatization caused by hair loss – a systematic literature review
Significance and extent of stigmatization against persons with visible skin conditions in the public
Disease burden and patient needs in emerging adults and adults with psoriasis: Addressing developmental specificities for person-centered healthcare.
Quality of life profile in children/adolescents with chronic conditions: A meta-analysis with the KIDSCREEN questionnaires
Psychometric properties of the quality of life in short statured youth (QoLISSY) questionnaire within the course of growth hormone treatment
Skin Disease Implications for Self-Image Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.
Erste Daten und Strategien zur Entstigmatisierung
„People-Centered Health Care“ von CLCI bis Entstigmatisierung: Neue Versorgungskonzepte bei Hauterkrankungen
Leitliniengerechte Behandlung/Adhärenz/Präferenz
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