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Growth hormone treatment in children with short stature: impact of the diagnosis on parents

S. Witt, J. Bloemeke, M. Bullinger, H. G. Dörr, N. da Silva & J. H. Quittmann

This prospective multicenter study aimed (1) to examine changes in parent-reported health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of children with short stature and the effects of the children’s condition on parents themselves within the first year of human growth hormone (hGH) treatment and (2) to predict effects on parents based on main and interaction effects of children’s HRQOL and increase in height.

Personal, Financial and Time Burden in Inherited Ichthyoses: A Survey of 144 Patients in a University-based Setting

C. Klein, V. Oji, R. Sommer, M. Augustin, S. Ständer, S. Salzmann, K. Kiekbusch, J. Bodes, M. F. Danzer, H. Traupe, J. Fischer, S. Steinke & K. Süßmuth

We investigated costs, time and disease burden of ichthyoses. The study addresses difficulties of the healthcare situation for patients with ichthyoses and reveals potential improvements.

Psychosocial Burden in People with Atopic Dermatitis: Effects of a Substance-Free Basic Skincare in a Random-ized Health Care Study

C.C. Braren-von Stülpnagel, M. Augustin, R. Sommer & L. Westphal

The aims of this study were to compare clinical and psychosocial parameters between patients with a different severity of atopic dermatitis and to analyse the effect of an omega-6-fatty-acid-skin therapy.

Unterdiagnostiziert und unterbehandelt

S. Schmotz, L. N. Hoyer, M. Augustin, R. Sommer, J. Traxler & S. Moritz

Zertifizierte CME-Fortbildung der Deutschen Dermatologischen Akademie.


Die Dermatillomanie erfordert Fachwissen, eine korrekte Diagnosestellung und viel Zeit für die sensible und differenzierte Exploration durch Behandelnde. Therapie der ersten Wahl stellt nach aktuellem Forschungsstand die kognitive Verhaltenstherapie dar, insbesondere das Habit-Reversal-Training.